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Stopped working for the man... again

Categories: Dave | Author: David O'Leary | Posted: 11/13/2003 | Views: 4428
So I quit my job again... The thought of going back to Habanero and staring at a computer screen for endless hours drained me. It's not that I didn't like the people, the work, or my clients, it's the utter sense of the futility of it all, of just being another cog in a machine that I increasing believe to be meaningless. There are so many things that I want to do... its overwhelming. And I feel like I'm constantly distracted cause there's always something else I should be doing... so, now, I'm going to do them.
So I quit my job again... The thought of going back to Habanero and staring at a computer screen for endless hours drained me. It's not that I didn't like the people, the work, or my clients, it's the utter sense of the futility of it all, of just being another cog in a machine that I increasing believe to be meaningless.

There are so many things that I want to do... its overwhelming. And I feel like I'm constantly distracted cause there's always something else I should be doing... so, now, I'm going to do them.
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