Child Rearing Techniques
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Categories: Declan | Author:
David O'Leary
| Posted: 3/10/2006 | Views: 3323
After a 4 day stint at the hospital (St John's), we finally got to go home today. While we'll miss the ability to let the nursery staff handle some of the late night hours, it sure is nice to be home.
Declan seems to be taking to his new surroundings well. He was alert for quite some time today, by far the most since birth. His eyes are dark with hints of blue, green, and brown. It was wonderful watching him look around and take it all in... and his reaction the first time I played the piano for him was... well... precious (am I allowed to use that term now?).
For the most part, he's a content and happy little guy. He can get pretty worked up over gas and he's not very consistent yet with feeding. We're trying to exclusively breastfeed at this point and while the nurses say he's actually doing quite well, he's lost 11% of his birthweight (a bit more than normal) and he's only successful at 50% of his feedings and those usually take over one hour for 15 minutes of actual feeding. So that's a struggle for us and consumes much of our day... but the benefits of breastfeeding are huge and you pretty much have to go one way or the other (at least at the beginning).
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E-mail: dave at oledave.com
AIM: oledaveo
Home Phone: 314.863.4002
Home Address: 7104 Pershing Ave., St. Louis, MO, 63130
Software- Developing Internet and Intranet software for through my company,
Efficion Consulting
Summers- Experiential Education with the
American Youth Foundation/Camp Miniwanca
Hobbies & Interests
Outdoors- Canoeing, Kayaking, Rafting, Hiking, Climbing, and Biking
Swing, Cajun, and Contra Dancing- Haven't been doing this much lately but have fun when I do
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