Child Rearing Techniques
News, Thoughts, Opinions, & Stories
Learning how things work
Categories: Declan | Author:
David O'Leary
| Posted: 8/17/2006 | Views: 3507
It's fascinating to watch Declan figure out new things everyday. He's gotten so much better at using his hands, he now grabs everything in reach which definitely keeps us on our toes, but also lets him do things to soothe himself, like shoving the pacifier in his mouth, or a stuffed animal, or a burp cloth, or a ...
I think I'll win the award for wimpiest way to hurt yourself... driving home from
Live at the Levee
one night, Declan was fussing a bit so I reached back to put the binky in his mouth and tweaked my shoulder something good... I've been telling people it's an old war wound...
Jen and I finally got a 4 door car, a 2005 Camry. The two doors have been fine until Declan outgrew his pumpkin seat. With the new car seat in rear-facing position, we had to climb in and out of the small opening with Declan in our arms... a week and a half of that and we got a new car.
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Contact Info
E-mail: dave at oledave.com
AIM: oledaveo
Home Phone: 314.863.4002
Home Address: 7104 Pershing Ave., St. Louis, MO, 63130
Software- Developing Internet and Intranet software for through my company,
Efficion Consulting
Summers- Experiential Education with the
American Youth Foundation/Camp Miniwanca
Hobbies & Interests
Outdoors- Canoeing, Kayaking, Rafting, Hiking, Climbing, and Biking
Swing, Cajun, and Contra Dancing- Haven't been doing this much lately but have fun when I do
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