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Voting Systems: How to improve the country

Categories: Politics | Author: David O'Leary | Posted: 6/22/2004 | Views: 3776
Ralph Nader may make a good president, I don't really know, I haven't spent any time looking at him because, in our current system, voting for anyone but John Kerry, would be a vote for Bush, and there's no way I'd risk that.

However, it doesn't have to be this way. There are alternative voting systems that could make voting, and therefore our country much better...
Ralph Nader may make a good president, I don't really know, I haven't spent any time looking at him because, in our current system, voting for anyone but John Kerry, would be a vote for Bush, and there's no way I'd risk that.

I have yet to meet anyone that REALLY likes John Kerry. The most common reason people voted for him in the primary wasn't because they liked him, agreed with his views, or strongly supported his stances... most people voted for him because he was the most ELECTABLE... and when so many people want Anybody But Bush, electability is key.

In 2000, I would have love to seen a McCain vs. Bradley run-off, instead I got a Bush v. Gore run-off and wasn't at all intrigued by my choices... lots of people voted for Nadar and that cost Gore the race...

It doesn't have to be this way. There are alternative voting systems that could make voting, and therefore our country much better...

In our current presidential election voting system, you can vote for one person, but there are a variety of alternative voting systems that could enable much better results.

The two that are the most interesting to me are: Instant Run Off voting and Approval Voting.

Without changing our voting system, we can't really have multi-party system, and I can't really vote for the Green Party or Natural Law party because I'm just "throwing my vote away". I'm really not happy with the Republicans or Democrats at this time. We need more discussion and new and better ideas. I think great things can happen, but to me it seems like our political system and our media are not doing their jobs and I'm tired of it.

I think this could open up doors and discussions. AND, I'm not completely off my rocker, "Nearly two dozen states considered IRV legislation in 2003-2004, and an Illinois poll showed majority support for using IRV in presidential elections. (src)."

So, think about it.
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